- How are the Recruiting Class Rankings created?
- What resources do I get for recruiting?
- Does the success of my program impact the quality and quantity of our recruits?
- What happens if I don't use all of my recruiting budget?
- Do AI-controlled teams recruit like humans?
- Can I recruit before or after the official recruiting period?
- What factors do recruits consider besides the amount of attention they receive in recruiting?
- What if I offer my 2 remaining scholarships to 10 players and the 2 players I wanted least end up accepting my offer first?
- If I have 4 scholarships, can I spend all of my resources on just one really good recruit?
- What happens if I run out of cash and haven't signed any recruits?
- Do recruits become "easier" to recruit as the recruiting window begins to close?
- What if I guarantee a recruit a starting spot, then I dont give it to him? Same with minutes, what if I dont give him his promised time? Are there any repercussions?
- Can I withdraw a scholarship offer that's on the table?
- If I rescind a scholarship, will I get additional recruiting resources?
- How often should I expect to hear from a recruit?
- Is there a limit to how many recruits I can sign in one recruiting class?
- Could a recruit (who is considering my school among others) select my school even if I didn't have him visit my campus?
- If my program is doing well (or poorly), does that impact how easy (or hard) recruiting will be in subsequent seasons?
- How does the eligibility process work? Can I still recruit players that are currently ineligible by WCAA standards?
- How many players will I have to recruit? How many total scholarships do I have available?
- What is the Scouting Service?
- If I offer a recruit a scholarship, does it stay on the table or do I need to reoffer it if he rejects?
- Is there any signficance to the order of the schools that the recruit is considering?
- If I have 1 recruiting spot open and I have 2 guys considering only me, how do you determine which one signs?
- I'm coaching in Division III, what are the odds of landing a DI type of player - maybe even someone that's ranked?