- How do I know when players are getting tired during games?
- How do I improve a players work ethic?
- Why is my player complaining about promises if he's injured?
- Does resting a player increase the rate at which his health returns to normal (for both cases - severe and non-severe injuries)?
- How important is work ethic? In other words, how much will guys improve with practice?
- Do players improve in the offseason? How much?
- How do underclassmen decide whether to enter the NBA draft?
- My senior point guard came as a sophomore. He was a transfer from a D-II school where he was an academic non-qualifier as a freshman. He has kept a 3.0 GPA, will he have an extra-year of eligibility?
- How do player roles work?
- Can player improvement continue if we make the post-season?
- Will work ethic affect improvement rate?
- Do players grow? If I sign a 6'7" center, is there a chance he might add 2-3 inches?
- Do free throw ratings ever improve in mid-season? I have a bunch of 'F' free-throw shooters that have been practicing free throws 30 minutes a practice, and not getting any better. Am I wasting their time?
- How much will players improve each year?
- What do the ratings mean?
- Do player ratings change as the season progresses?
- Why did my player's Work Ethic drop when he got hurt?
- If a player transfers, do I get recruiting resources for that open spot?
- If you have players declare for the draft, are they gone for good or is there a possibility that they could return to school?
- Why do I keep losing players early to the draft?
- Does potential mean the same thing for any player regardless of their current rating?
- Do players get tired?