- What are the qualifications for awards?
- Why are my players not playing up to what they normally do?
- Why was my pitcher left in so long?
- My AAA pitcher refuses to gain any strength or recover even after sitting out 9-10 games. He is still at 6% and will be at 6% after the next game as well.
- Why is my pitchers's sim performance worse than his real life performance?
- How does fatigue work?
- Why can't I rename my AAA prospects?
- Do I have to rest somebody who is tired? What happens when a player gets tired?
- What's a clone?
- What do the defensive ratings mean?
- My opponent's pitchers have pitched way over their actual IP! What's the deal?
- How long do I need to rest a player before they are 100% again?
- When drafting players, how do I know how quickly someone will get tired?
- What happens if I play a player out of position?
- If I have more than 1 pitcher set to the same role, how does the SimManager decide who to bring in?